Build a Cryptocurrency Dashboard with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView

This course is packed with hours of in-depth tutorials, tips and app development. Learn how to build a true real-time application, getting the most from Elixir and Phoenix LiveView!

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Why Phoenix LiveView?

LiveView is a new game-changing library that gives you wings, drastically simplifying and speeding up the development of interactive, real-time Phoenix web applications.

Are you a solo dev or a small team? LiveView gets you quickly up and running! With its great tooling and simplicity, LiveView gives you a competitive edge, while allowing you to experiment with faster iterations and faster time to market!

More than just LiveView examples, It's a full app development!

This course is not just on how to use Phoenix LiveView. Instead, it's a journey where we go through the full development of a real LiveView application, which gets real-time data from many Cryptocurrency Exchanges and beautifully renders prices and charts on the browser of (potentially) thousands of users.
"Alvise's course is clear and well-organized. You'll not only learn about LiveView, but also how to work with Supervisors, streaming data and deployment. 👍"
Mark Wilbur - Alchemist Camp

What's Inside


Starting from scratch, with the application design

We start from the beginning, introducing the Cryptocurrency Exchanges concepts, explaining the application architecture, seeing the components we are going to build and how they fit together.

‣ Introducing Cryptocurrency Exchanges concepts, terminology and the type of data we get from them.

‣ Introducing the Application Architecture.


The first part is all about Elixir

Instead of jumping straight away to the LiveView part, we need to first focus on the business logic and build a solid Elixir application, which deals with the domain's complexity hiding it behind a simple interface. It will make the LiveView part much easier!

During this part you'll see many Elixir concepts in action, like:

‣ Building WebSocket clients with GenServers and Gun library.
‣ Structs, Typespecs and Dialyzer.
‣ Macros, Behaviours and Callbacks.
‣ Contexts and PubSub.
‣ Supervisors.
‣ CI/CD pipelines and Deployment.

“Excellent paced course that goes through all the phases of developing a modern real-world application. Solid best practices, clear illustrations and very-very well documented. Bonus points for focusing on the areas where Elixir really shines: real-time, concurrency, supervisors.”
Dan Rus

MODULE 2 - LiveView

A Crypto Dashboard with LiveView and Components

In this module we cover the fundamentals of Phoenix LiveView! While building a real-time crypto dashboard, you'll see how LiveView really works, the Life-cycle, how LiveView updates the DOM using WebSocket messages and how to use LiveComponents to make your code easier to read and reusable.

Intro to Phoenix LiveView and how to create a dashboard with real-time prices.
‣ Understand how Phoenix LiveView really works and its Life-cycle.
Bindings, click events and forms.

MODULE 3 - Advanced

Let's go even further!

In this module you'll learn how to develop new advanced features, going even further with advanced lessons on both Elixir and LiveView.

‣ Get the user's timezone in LiveView.
‣ LiveView real-time JS Charts.
Live Navigation
JS interop with Hooks
‣ Performance and historical trades with queues and ETS

“There are a few courses to get you started with Elixir & Phoenix, but Alvise is the first to really teach how to build an application that truely benefits from Elixir's strengths. A must for anyone that wants to rank up and learn from an experienced developer.”
Sam Gaw

Team discounts

If you want to buy multiple licenses for your team, you can have a discount. Please send me an email.

Great course!
I really like how Alvise structures the content and manages to explain the concepts in simple English. He helped me to discover new aspects of the language together with good patterns and techniques that I’m now using in my daily job.
Euen Lopez

Course Curriculum

Available Lessons

Each lesson is in both video and text format.
  Kick off
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Elixir Poeticoins app
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phoenix LiveView
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

About the instructor

Alvise Susmel is a passionate Software Engineer, in love with Elixir and windsurfing.

In the last 7 years, Alvise has been software architect and CTO in a London-based hedge fund, developing at the same time a deep interest for teaching.

Eager to learn new technologies, paradigms and architectures, he's been contributing to the Elixir community writing articles on

This course is one of those learning resources that leaves you speechless.
The course structure, the quality of video material, and great animations are what makes you want more. If only there would be more courses like this. What makes this course great is Alvise's concern if the material is good enough for students like me. If the material is understandable if we feel there should be something done differently.
All this is what makes this course one of best materials for learning advanced concepts in Elixir. And I have probably all of them ;)
Tomaz Bracic
Great course! It starts with a whirlwind tour of Elixir while building a real-world example application, highlighting where and when to use the various OTP constructs.
Later, the web layer is added using Phoenix LiveView once the business logic is solid and functional (a different paradigm from some other web frameworks).
Everything is presented with just the right amount of explanation. Well worth the price and you won’t be disappointed!
Don Lettrich